Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Signs and symptoms of a yeast infection in men

Yeast infections, although more common in women, it can also occur in men, causing symptoms that are not only uncomfortable but potentially embarrassing as well. Although a wealth of information is available on yeast infections in women, there is much less to be found on such infections in men.

Signs and symptoms
The most common early symptom of a yeast infection in men is an itchy irritation on the head of the penis, according to Functional the website of YeastMen.com. This irritation can finally become red sores or blisters on the head or foreskin of the penis. Other possible symptoms include a white discharge from the penis and a persistent burning sensation. For various reasons both physical and psychological, yeast infections can lead to erectile dysfunction. In many men, yeast infections can be present but asymptomatic.

California chronicles report that the possible complications male yeast infection does not receive much attention as they should. An article by Linda Allen says that complications usually fall into one of three categories: physical, emotional and social. physical complications, likely to occur if the initial infection goes untreated, include skin dryness and itching and digestive problems. emotional complications may arise due to reduced self-confidence, especially in cases of erectile dysfunction. This lack of self-confidence can also put a damper on your social life.

Causes and risk factors
Yeast infections in men and women are caused by an overgrowth of the fungus Candida albicans in the genital area. It can be spread between sexual partners, even if it is not a common means of transmission, according to MayoClinic.com. Men who face a higher risk of yeast infection include those with compromised immune systems and / or diabetes. Other risk factors include an unbalanced diet, the heavy use of antibiotics and the use of condoms treated with spermicide nonoxynol-9. Yeast infections are more widely diagnosed in uncircumcised men, because the fungus can grow rapidly in the foreskin folds.

Men experiencing symptoms commonly associated with a yeast infection should consult a physician. Before confirming a diagnosis of yeast infection, your doctor may order some tests to rule out the possibility that another type of infection is involved.

The most common treatment for yeast infections in men and women is an antifungal medication. Your doctor may prescribe one or you can choose to take one of the antifungal-counter as Monistat (also marketed as Monistat-1). As the fungus causing the infection is the same in men and women, the same drugs are effective for both. If you and your sexual partners are infected at the same time, abstain from sexual intercourse until all signs of infection are gone. Otherwise, there is a chance that you will reinfect each other.

Monday, May 16, 2016

Best natural remedies for yeast infection

We all have yeast and microorganisms present in our body, but in small quantities. Sometimes, due to some health conditions or because of certain medications such as antibiotics, the yeast in our body begin to grow at such a level to bring the infection, particularly in warm and moist areas of the body. This yeast infection is called candidiasis. By now we know that it comes from the overgrowth of a type of yeast. This yeast is known as Candida (Candida albicans). Thus, our lips, throat, skin under the feet, skin folds such as under the breasts or in areas such as the elbow or the knee area and most commonly genital area can easily contrare yeast infection . However, all differ with individual names. For example, it is called thrush when the infection is in the mouth or throat. When it affects the genital area, it is called yeast infection. Children have an irritation from the diaper, which is nothing but yeast infection. And when this infection affects our blood, it is called invasive candidiasis and candidemia. Because we are talking about yeast infections, here we focus on home remedies for this infection which is caused in the genital areas.

Vaginal yeast infection and penile
genital yeast infection is more common in women. Although men suffer from penile yeast infections, but not as often as women. When there estremoa itching in the vaginal area accompanied by redness and pain, a woman should have forewarned, he took the vaginal yeast infection. If so, you could experience white white vaginal discharge along with pain during intercourse and urination.

As for men, the 'infection is more likely in those who are not circumcised. You may have redness, rash on the penis under the foreskin with itching or burning sensation on the tip of the penis. In both men and women, it is essential to cure yeast infection is through home remedies or using drugs, because when you are suffering, you can easily send to your sexual partner.

vaginal yeast infection remedies
Acidity levels are responsible for keeping the yeast under control, though decreases acidity, it undergoes a vaginal yeast infection. There are some conditions in which the acid level drops more often as pregnancy, menstruation, diabetes, and even when you are taking oral contraceptives regularly. Also douching or irritation due to insufficient vaginal lubrication can lead to yeast infections. Besides maintaining basic hygiene and keep the genital area clean and dry, you can use home remedies for yeast infection to get relief from the pain, itching and to treat the infection.

1. Yogurt Remedy For Yeast Infection
Yogurt, but not the sweetened yogurt with active cultures, soothes itching and burning, but it can also cure the infection. The friendly bacteria in yogurt inhibit the growth of yeast.
Yogurt has Lactobacillus acidophilus which promotes the colonization of friendly bacteria in the rectum and the vagina and around the internal system.
Yogurt Remedy For Yeast Infection

Do this:

Eating yogurt every day.
You can also apply yogurt locally in and around the vagina.
Take a cotton ball. Soak in yogurt.
Now apply yogurt on around the infected area.
Leave for 20-30 minutes
Wash with water. Do not forget to dry.
You can also drink a glass of buttermilk twice a day, if you do not like yogurt, buttermilk has the same effect and yogurt on your yeast infection.

2. Coconut oil for yeast infection
Many studies worldwide have determined that medium-chain fatty acids in coconut oil can kill candida yeast. William Crook, M.D. who wrote "The Yeast Connection", he says that many doctors have used caprylic acid successfully for yeast infections. This acid is particularly useful for patients who report adverse reactions to antifungal drugs. This caprylic acid, along with two other medium chain fatty acid, is found in coconut oil and is able to kill Candida albicans. Thus, it is possible to exploit the natural antibacterial and antifungal properties of coconut oil to treat vaginal infection.
How does coconut oil against yeast infection?

How do the medium-chain fatty acids found in coconut oil help kill candida yeast and cure yeast infection.
A. The caprylic acid in coconut oil kills yeast colonies

Caprylic acid, present in coconut oil, kills yeast colonies by breaking down the yeast cell membrane that comes into contact. Thus it contains the growth and replication of yeast that cause vaginal infection. As previously mentioned, caprylic acid is also used in conventional treatments by doctors and then you can have confidence in the coconut oil and its caprylic acid for the treatment of yeast infections.
The lauric acid in coconut oil B. strengthens the immune system and prevent yeast infection

Coconut oil, in particular virgin coconut oil has large amounts of lauric acid, a nutrient that helps boost the immune system so that your body can not only fight the yeast fungus, but also prevents its future presence. Did you know that lauric acid is also present in the breast milk of a mother! Of course, one can not doubt the ability of coconut oil in strengthening the immune system.
Coconut oil is a sugar substitute that kills fungi leading them to starvation.

This is not a hidden fact that fungi and yeasts such as microbes feed on sugar. And that's why every time you read about remedies for yeast infection, is a warning against sugary foods. Coconut oil has a natural sweet taste and when taken internally, it works as a sugar substitute. When there is no real sugar, yeast naturally starving. Even when you have coconut oil, you have to reduce your sugar cravings, boosting your energy. Minimizing your need to eat sweets and carbs you do a step towards eradication of this yeast in your system.
  All the medium-chain fatty acids in coconut oil kill the yeasts and the like microbes

The coconut oil is composed of many medium-chain triglyceride addition to lauric and caprylic acid. These fatty acids of coconut oil make it an excellent antiviral, antimicrobial and antifungal agent. Now some of these acids are more effective against one type of micro-organism and some others are effective against other microbes. All of these acids in a combined form protects against dysbiosis (imbalance microbial) in your body. And that's why you get relief from all the problems caused by yeast infections including fatigue, joint pain, irritability and frequent bladder infections.
Coconut oil causes die-off to cure yeast infection

Die-off is a condition similar to flu-like symptoms. People with candida infection, and those who do the detoxification of the body, are familiar with this term. When you begin to detoxify, many fungal organisms within your body begin to die. The toxins released by these fungal organisms that die enter the bloodstream. This makes you quite uncomfortable. Many people think that their condition is getting worse and so stop taking anti-fungal drugs, in this case, the coconut oil, they think that the cure is causing such discomfort. But, in reality, this is a sign that coconut oil is working to eliminate the microbes that cause yeast infection. Now, some people experience intense symptoms of 'die-off' where, like many others feel only a slight discomfort. Die-off lasts only for a few days. You can effectively manage symptoms of distress, increasing fluid intake and to have a little 'rest for the first few days. If, however, the symptoms are so intense that you can not handle, you should consult your doctor.

Remedy coconut oil for yeast infection
How to use coconut oil for yeast infection?
1st method for the use of coconut oil for yeast infection is topical use.

Take this:

Coconut oil
Cotton swab

Do this:

Take a cotton ball and dip it in coconut oil.
If it's winter, you may need to warm the oil a little ', the coconut oil becomes solid at low temperatures. However, the oil melts smoothly when you pick it up, of course, because of the body heat. (So, you can apply the oil with a cotton Batuffolo).
Clean the delicate area infected with cotton wool soaked in coconut oil.
Do this two or three times a day.
If it feels sticky, clean oil with a soft cloth after about 20-30 minutes.

2nd method for the use of coconut oil for yeast infection ingest with the diet

Take this:

virgin coconut oil, preferably organic-3-5 tablespoons

Do this:

Take 1 tablespoon of coconut oil with breakfast, lunch and dinner.
Take 3 tablespoons of coconut oil a day is enough to counter yeast infection under normal conditions.
If you have been suffering from candidiasis often or continuously for an extended period or if the infection is severe, it may take a little 'more than 1 tablespoon of coconut oil, take 1 tbsp five times a day. In severe conditions, however, it is always advisable to consult your doctor.
If it is not in a habit of having coconut oil, start with small amounts, such as 1 teaspoon on the first day, 2 teaspoons the second day and so on until it arrives 3-5 tablespoons per day.
If you can not take it alone, add the coconut oil for your toast, salads, sauces, smoothies, health drinks, etc.

3 ° Method for the use of coconut oil for yeast infection

Take this:

coconut oil 3-4 tbsp
8 cups hot water

Do this:

Add coconut oil to the hot water.
Mix well and use to wash.

4 ° Method for the use of coconut oil for yeast infection detoxification

detoxification programs with coconut oil are quite popular because of their effective results in curing yeast infection. These intense detoxification programs that continue for seven days and can give excellent results, but you must do it only under the guidance of experts. If you are going to do this detox with coconut oil, find a naturopathic physician expert or a certified nutritionist who will guide you. Here is a brief description of how you can detoxify with coconut oil is made by the majority of naturopathic doctors.

Usually this detox program goes on for seven days. You should fast for these seven days.
Just take the coconut oil throughout the day.
Sometimes, plain yogurt is also given to support your gut.
Lemon juice without sugar is included sometimes that helps to further clean your system.
This detoxification with coconut oil kills all the microorganisms that cause yeast infection and other health problems. However, the beneficial bacteria etc. are not killed and that is the coconut oil miracle!

Warning: detoxification with coconut oil for yeast infection should be done under the expert guidance of a naturopath doctor. Not groped to do it yourself.
Every time you use coconut oil internally or for therapeutic purposes, buy organic coconut oil extra virgin variety of food grade. Highly processed coconut oils do not give you the desired benefits. Oil of high quality coconut is the snow white color when solid. It becomes clear as water, once it assumes the liquid state. Coconut oil with yellow or gray shades is a low quality product. Therefore, look for pure coconut oil colorless if you really want to cure yeast infection.
3. The garlic remedy for yeast infection

Garlic, one of the super foods of our times, it can also come to your rescue when it comes to killing the yeast that cause the infection. How does garlic for yeast infection? Well, there are two components in garlic that give anti-fungal and anti-microbial Properties- allicin and ajoene. A whole clove of garlic, however, does not contain allicin. Allicin is created only when one of the other components of garlic, alliin, combines with the alliinase enzyme, also present in garlic. And how does this happen? By simply pressing the garlic.

A word of caution: garlic, however, can affect the functioning of some medications you're taking. In addition, using the garlic along with the oral contraceptive may reduce the effectiveness of these birth control pills. According to the National Library of Medicine of the United States, some birth control pills with the hormone estrogen, taking garlic lowers estrogen. Many people do not recommend garlic as a remedy for yeast infection because it can burn the lining of the sores in the vagina that are difficult to heal properly. If your skin is sensitive and you can cure the infection with other remedies, it is best not to use garlic in the vagina, even though many women have had positive results. However, you can use garlic paste for no other vaginal yeast.
4. grapefruit seed extract for yeast infection

Many health professionals recommend grapefruit seed extract to cure yeast infection including the vagina. It 'a natural antibiotic and anti fungal properties that kill the yeast growing along with a wide variety of other pathogens. However, it must be accompanied with a cleaning - a diet that is low in sugar, starch, fermented foods, coffee, cigarettes, alcohol and high in fiber, low starch vegetables, protein, complex carbohydrates and fruit diet. If you are ready, you can make a treatment that consists of rinses with grapefruit seed extract to treat vaginal infection.

grapefruit seed for yeast infection

Do this:

Add 5-10 drops of extract of grapefruit seeds to 2 cups of clean water.
Stir until the extract is completely dissolved.
Wash the vaginal area infected with this water. You can also soak a cotton ball in water and apply it on the infected area.
Do it every day for three days.

A word of caution: if you feel an irritation after using this mixture, you should discontinue its use. Even in the case of pregnancy or menstruation, avoiding the use of this. Ask your doctor before using any home remedy.
5. Essential oils for yeast infection

There are many essential oils that have strong anti fungal, anti bacterial and anti viral. For example, cinnamon oil in which the yeast can not survive. tea tree oil, grape seed oil, coconut oil, everyone has such properties that can cure the infection. Here is a recipe to make a concoction using these essential oils with a carrier oil so that you can get immediate relief from the infection.

Take this:

Grapeseed oil (carrier oil) - 2 tbsp
The Tea tree oil 2-3 drops
The oil 2-3 drops of Cinnamon
The 2-3 drops of oregano oil
The diPeppermint oil 2-3 drops
The lemon oil 2-3 drops

Do this:

Mix all oils.
Store in a bottle.
Using a dropper or cotton swab to apply this oil on the infected area.
Let stand for a few minutes.
Clean with a soft, clean cloth.

Do this twice a day.
Natural Remedies For Yeast Infection Penis

The yeast infection for men, in its basic form, is not different from vaginal infections also as a result of uncontrolled growth of yeast. So, men can apply the following remedies on the infected area to get rid of yeast infection.

Yogurt- Apply or eat each day.
coconut oil on the affected area.
Tea tree mix two drops of tea tree oil with 1 teaspoon of almond oil or olive oil and apply on the affected area.
Cranberry juice twice daily to restore good level acidophilus bacteria.
Apple cider vinegar Do not apply directly on the genitals. Add half a cup to 1 cup in your bath and sit for a few minutes. You can also dilute ¼ teaspoon of apple cider vinegar in 2 cups of water and wash the affected area.

Oil of Oregano on carvacrol, the active ingredient of this oil is useful in the treatment of infection, but always dilute it before applying. Mix two drops of oil of oregano with one tablespoon of olive oil, coconut oil or water and then apply on the affected area.

Harad herb- Siddha medicine speaks of Harad (Terminalia chebula) remedy for the problem male candidiasis.

Mix 1 teaspoon of dried harad powder in a glass of water.
Drink before going to bed at night.
Continue this for at least three days to get rid of itching and irritation due to a yeast infection.
however, take a mild laxative if it has the greater amount infection.

What are different between yeast infection in men and women

The symptoms of yeast infection in men do not always appear soon, so that it can be passed involuntarily during sex. Male yeast infection can occur in any almost any part of the body, not just the penis. Here, you'll discover the causes, symptoms and treatments, in addition to that, more and more men are turning to, to prevent recurring yeast infections.

Let's start with the causes. Candida albicans is a yeast-like fungus that appears in the body naturally, without any problem usually. The Candida fungus is kept under control by good bacteria in your body.

When it breaks down, however, the fungus can proliferate and spread. That 's what causes the symptoms of yeast infection in men and women. This is why yeast infection is also known as Candida. I use both terms here.

What causes this 'invasion'? The trigger for this can be any number of things such as a lowered immune system, antibiotics abuse, steroids, poor nutrition, diabetes, sex, taking drugs, stress, sweaty / wet underwear and sportswear, etc

The main symptoms of yeast infections in men are; redness and inflammation of the penis, similar to ulcerative lesions on the head, terrible itching, dry chapped skin, pain while urinating, discomfort when having sex, impotence, loss.

But there yeast infection in men - Male yeast infection causes, symptoms and trattamentoono other signs of Candida yeast infection in men they love; skin lesions, acne, headaches, migraines, diarrhea or constipation, memory loss, irritability, bloating, indigestion, inflamed / painful joints, and many others.

And since you can have an infection without symptoms (at least for some time) the treatment is in late stage, making it difficult to eradicate, and you can unknowingly transfer the infection to sexual partners. This is one of the worst aspects of the male Candida.

Mainstream treatment for male yeast infection is usually prescribed or over-the-counter creams etc. But, Candida albicans can become drug-resistant. And they tend to address the symptoms rather than the root cause and the basic conditions. So many patients are suffering from recurring yeast infections that can disturb their daily lives and relationships

This is why many men with yeast infection (and women) are now turning to natural remedies. And generally they do not have the negative side effects of expensive drugs. There are tons of home remedies for Candida out there. You just need to find which one is right for you by trial and error.

Your goal should be to get rid of the symptoms fast, but at the same time, prevent the yeast infection Candida always come back. There is a lot of work on your part, but it's worth I think you'll agree, if it leads to you getting your life back on track.